Paid Advertising on LinkedIn

Improve the effectiveness of your B2B marketing
through paid advertising on LinkedIn

“Advertising is only ready when you can’t throw any more elements out of it,” – Robert Fleige

 Campaign objectives 

Optimized LinkedIn ad campaign creation based on your goals


Brand recognition
Get more people to get to know your brand through ad campaigns


Website visits
Get more people to visit the website

Track clicks, social activity and follow company page

Video views
Share your product or business story through video


Generating Forms
Generate leads using forms pre-filled with LinkedIn member information.

Website conversions
Give valuable activities on your website like gathering leads or downloading ebooks.

Job candidates
Promote vacancies in your company.


 Types of LinkedIn Ads 

Sponsored Content

Serve native LinkedIn feed ads on desktop and mobile

Dynamic advertising

Reach potential customers with ads that are personalized for them

Video ads

Engage a professional video audience every step of the buyer’s journey

Text ads

Attract new customers to your business on a tight budget with payment per click

Direct message advertising

Send personalized messages to the people who matter the most to your business

Job Announcements

Promote applications to vacancies in your company


 Tracking conversions 

Measuring the true impact of your LinkedIn ads, optimizing them to be even better. Get an idea of ​​what to do next using analytics.

What kind of people are converting your ads?
We access demographic data for converting audiences – their job titles, companies, industries – and use this information to improve the targeting and content of your campaign.

 Site demographics 

We discover the professional qualities of your website visitors

  1. Adding the LinkedIn Insight Tag to Your Site
  2. Building Tracking Audiences
  3. Applying audience insight to your marketing strategy

 Website retargeting 

Re-attract visitors to your site

  1. Adding the LinkedIn Insight Tag to Your Site
  2. Building retargeting audiences
  3. We collect audiences for advertising
  4. We launch advertising to the audience

 Generating Forms 

Collect even more quality leads from your LinkedIn ads with completed forms.

  1. Adding a call to action to your ad content or promotional messages
  2. Collect complete and accurate information instantly
  3. Automatically link members to your offers and content
  4. Measure the impact of your lead generation campaigns
  5. Access your leads in Campaign Manager or your preferred third-party tools.

 Contact or company 


We upload or integrate your contact lists for further advertising.

  1. Uploading an email list or targeting company list
  2. We are waiting for audience updates
  3. Setting up and running ads

 How do we work 

01  Product 

We study the product and target audience in detail.
We conduct a brief, “taste the product”, analyze other advertising activities that have already taken place.

02  Traffic system 

We build a traffic system based on your marketing funnel using combinations of site, target audience, ad types, creatives and main goals.

03  KPI and budget 

We determine the KPI and budgets of the advertising company. We distribute budgets at the stage of start-up, optimization and full operation of the company when the main KPI indicators are achieved.

04  Creatives 

We develop selling advertising messages for AIDA
and creative ad design.

05  Tools 

Setting up pixels for conversion tracking, connecting the LinkedIn Insight tag, setting up form generation, uploading contact lists and update them.

06  Start 

We launch a campaign, analyze key indicators and optimize reallocating budgets, excluding ineffective ads, groups, companies.


Let our team
take your business to the next level

Leave a request and get a free analysis,
and a strategy for promoting your business on LinkedIn